How to make Donations to the Church you may use the link below or if you have envelopes use method 2

Method #1. You use THE Donate NOW button if you wish to make a one time or a continuing donation using your charge card.
Donate Now Through!
Donate through Canada Helps

Method #2. You can mail in your Offering envelope to the Church.

Church of the Ascension

Box 550

Stonewall, MB, R0C 2Z0

a. Please use cheques only. This is so only one person need count and deposit the offerings

b. Write the amount of the offering and where you would like it to go as before.

c. Then place your offering envelope in another envelope and mail.

3. If you wish to make an offering directly to the PWRDF you can mail your offering to the address below:

The Primates World Relief and Development Fund

The Anglican Church of Canada

80 Hayden Street

Toronto, Ontario M4Y 3G2